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Haines Alaska, WOW! - June 6, 1996
We go for the gold in the Yukon - June 8, 1996
It really was cold up there - June 8, 1996
Paddle wheeler Discovery I on the Chena river, Fairbanks - June 14, 1996
We actually had good weather at Denali - June 17, 1996
Caryl models the latest in mosquito wear - June 20, 1996
More fabulous views in Denali - June 20, 1996
Here we stand with my cousin overlooking ice and more ice, Kenai peninsula - June 29, 1996
Watch out for them moose - July 2, 1996
The world's largest igloo. No it's not ice. - July 5, 1996
Brian's pushing the pipeline, all 800 miles, into alignment. - July 10, 1996
The end of the Alaska highway, Delta Junction. The beginning for us. - July 14, 1996
Cute roadhouse at Dot Lake - July 15, 1996
Turds, also known as burls, for one and all. - July 20, 1996
Lost in a forest of signs at Watson Lake - July 21, 1996
Another WOW campsite on Vancouver Island - August 30, 1996
Everytime we met this lady it rained and rained and rained. Bad luck she is - September 18, 1996
A YURT, year round recreational tent - September 19, 1996
Fort Clatsop, the end of the Lewis and Clark trail - September 19, 1996
We never seemed to run out of scenic spots this summer - September 24, 1996
Would you believe we slept in in this state park shower room one miserable rainy night? - October 30, 1996
The engineer in our hearts never quite seems to leave us completely - October 31, 1996