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On to Mexico, another day another country - January 1, 1997
Part way down Baja is this odd looking eagle - January 12, 1997
A church designed by Eiffel in Santa Rosalia - January 18, 1997
Party time in Merida - January 24, 1997
Swimming in a Yucatan cenote is like swimming in a fish bowl - January 28, 1997
This is a typical Yucatan house called a "na" - January 31, 1997
Uxmal from atop the main temple - February 7, 1997
Fascinating Mayan carvings - February 7, 1997
These are all repeats of the same god, Chacmul - February 7, 1997
Mexican markets are all a colorful affair - February 11, 1997
A very young ice cream salesman - February 20, 1997
One of the impressive temples of Tikl, Guatemala - March 2, 1997
These all are candles sold for offerings in church - March 9, 1997
These paintings are all made from sawdust. Some sort of contest was in place - March 9, 1997
Our first visit to Honduras - March 10, 1997
El Chalten in Honduras has some of the most remarkable stone carvings - March 10, 1997
Women of Guatemala still wear their traditional costume - March 18, 1997
Painted and decorated, old US school buses have a new life in Guatemala. - March 25, 1997
More but different traditional costumes in San Cristobal de las Casas - March 28, 1997
In San Cristobal they do the whole Easter parade, Christ and all - March 28, 1997
Just about the very next day there are beauty queens in spring celebration - March 30, 1997
A different era from Mayan, Teotihuacan - April 9, 1997
In Guadalajara these guys will type up anything, anytime for a small price - April 21, 1997